Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Illustration for bakery 164

an Illustration of guy fawkes I produced loosely based on the V for Vendetta character. was to be stuck on coffee cups for bakery 164. This was a 1 day turnaround live brief. I will post up some shots of the illustration in context when I know more about it. I'm happy with how the line work and reverse out space has turned out.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Another quick submission for The Juice magazine

Its Einstein init! Here you see Albert indulging in a bit of tongue graffiti to promote the theme "The Science of Art". This image took a little longer than the other because its figurative, and a bit more line intensive. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 19 October 2010


A Quick two hour turnaround brief for a submisison based Zine called The Juice. The theme was science in art, so I decided that an optically challenging icon what doubles up as art would be relevant, and would suit my style of illustration. The overall image also looks somewhat familiar...